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(1919 – 2001)

Kassim Dada was an individual of principles. An astute businessman, a philanthropist, an avid traveller and a man committed to basic values – Kassim Dada’s individuality influenced many to add meaning and significance to their lives.

Following the simple principle of fairness, clarity and sincere application to all things in life – he worked hard to make Dadex a company that would not only be recognised for its quality of work and products, but one which would be recognised for its integrity. As he wrote in his autobiography, A Ramble through Life,

“…the conduct towards others must be based on kindness, service, fairness, charity, justice, honesty and the sanctity of promise, pledge or agreement.”

The Dadex Vision signifies all those qualities that were an intrinsic part of existence for Kassim Dada. The strength and longevity of any successful company does not merely lie in the superiority of its products – but in how it conducts business.

Dadex has evolved into a company that upholds authenticity as a crucial factor in its business practices. Be it in serving customers, product quality or relationships with its clients – the underlying aim is the collective convergence of all values under the principle rule of truthfulness.

Our vision signifies Kassim Dada’s legacy of fundamental righteousness in both business and personal life.


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