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The Company’s policy is to conduct its business with honesty and integrity and remain  ethical in all its dealings, showing respect for the interests of those with whom it has a relationship.


The Company complies with all laws and regulations of Pakistan. All employees are expected to familiarize themselves with laws and regulations governing their individual areas of responsibility, and not to transgress them. If in doubt, employees are expected to seek advice from the Management of the Company.


The Company believes in fair competition, and endeavors to be fully compliant with the Competition laws of Pakistan.


The Company does not support any political party nor contributes to the funds of groups whose activities promote political party interests.


The Company will promote its legitimate business interests through trade associations.


The Company is committed to providing products to customers which consistently offer value in terms of price and quality and are safe for their intended use, to satisfy customer needs and expectations.


The Company is committed to run its business in an environmental  friendly  manner.  The Company recognizes its social responsibility and will contribute to community activities as a good corporate citizen.


The Company is committed towards ensuring reliable financial reporting and transparency in its business dealings.


The Company’s policy is to recruit and promote employees on merit, and is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all its employees. It also believes in maintaining good communication with its employees.


Employees must not use Company information and assets for their personal advantage.  Any conflict of interest should be avoided and disclosed where they exist and appropriate guidance should be sought from the Management of the Company.


It is the responsibility of the Board of the Company to ensure that the above  precepts are fully complied with, and Sub-committees are to be constituted by the Board to  monitor compliance.

  xii) It is recognized that enforcement of laws and regulations is the responsibility of the Management of the Company.  

The Company will not enter into nor tolerate any arrangement which facilitates (or which appears to or is suspected to be used to facilitate) any acquisition, retention use or control of any property or money intended to disguise the proceeds of crime.


All information obtained at work should be considered confidential, unless it is freely and publicly available.  Accordingly, on this basis it is clear that Company employees at all levels are regularly exposed to confidential information, i.e. information about the Company’s business, customers, products, including product development.

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