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    Antimicrobial Pipes
    Need for Antimicrobial Pipes
    Features of Dadex Antimicrobial Pipes
    How Microbes Enter Distribution Pipes
    How Dadex Antimicrobial Pipes Works
    Standards Compliance
    Antibacterial Efficiency
    Antifungal Efficiency
    Migration Test
    PE (Polyethylene-TFlex)
    PPR (Polypropylene Random - Polydex)
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  Home > Products & Services > Pipe Systems and Roofings> Thermoplastic Pipe system > Antimicrobial Pipes > Features of Dadex Antimicrobial Pipes  
  Features of Dadex Antimicrobial Pipes  

  • Built-in Antimicrobial Protection against Bacteria, Fungi and Algae.

  •  Dadex Antimicrobial Pipes are tested by Intertek for Antimicrobial performance.

  • Maximum protection against water borne diseases and bio-film development.

  • 99.99% Antimicrobial efficacy against microorganisms 
  • Effective and long-lasting antimicrobial protection that keeps the pipe safe from bacteria and provides healthy water.

  • Improves water quality and prevents the development of bad tastes and odors in water.


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